Car Dealer SEO Marketing

It often seems like vendors are selling the same thing in slightly different packages when it comes to automotive SEO marketing. As the internet has become an essential component of how we do anything, it can seem as if advertising strategies haven’t changed. In reality, online marketing continually evolves to include a broader range of techniques and tools. Unfortunately for GMs, their specialty lies in selling cars, not advertising solutions. The result is that many managers stick to what they know and avoid stepping outside the box, especially for stores that struggle to meet their monthly goals. 

Car Dealer SEO

At Vin Ads, we’re doing everything we can to revolutionize how managers understand online advertising. Instead of focusing on what you already know, we give GMs the tools they need to track all of their vendors in one convenient screen. When that gets coupled with our propriety program that generates first-generation leads and high-quality traffic, there’s nowhere to go but upwards. We do not promise a miracle cure to all of your marketing woes. Instead, we want to help dealerships take advantage of everything the digital age has to offer. Among those things are significant updates to how GMs understand online advertising. 

Our services run the gamut, ranging from writing original content to improve SEO to creating customized campaigns for PPC ads. What sets us apart from our competitors is that we generate first-generation leads. These leads are ten times more likely to result in a conversion because it relies on direct engagement with the shopper. In contrast, no matter how many arrive in your CRM, third-party leads don’t do much for your bottom line. We all know why, too: third-party leads have zero quality control, get sold to the competition, and vendors who generate these leads only care about their bottom line, not yours. If we all know that third-party leads are crumby, why do stores still purchase them?

Auto Dealership SEO Marketing

The reason third-party leads remain popular is that counting leads is the only way most managers know how to monitor their vendors. If you wanted to switch to a vendor that generates first-generation leads and insist on counting leads, it would seem like that vendor doesn’t produce any leads. First-generation leads, after all, come directly from the shopper, not from the vendor. Therefore, dealerships need a smarter way to track vendors that promotes transparent and accurate metrics and apples-to-apples comparisons. To be clear, we’re not suggesting GMs rely on self-reporting platforms that vendors offer. Those programs don’t offer the comprehensive view that we think the auto industry needs. 

All of our clients also get access to a transparent monitoring program that allows them to compare all of their vendors on one screen. Not only is this program free and easy-to-use, but we don’t control it. We’re so confident in our ability to create profitable advertising campaigns and improve your SEO that we want you to use an entirely different system to track our progress. If you find that intriguing and want to learn more about how to bring all your marketing needs into the 21st century, give us a call. We can’t wait to show you what we can do for your store. 

Published On: January 24, 2022 / Categories: Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Marketing Strategy, PPC, SEM, SEO, Social Media /

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